2010 Union Steward Training Seminar Report

Local 330 organized over four hundred (400) new members within the last year.  As a result, many new members have been either elected by their peers or appointed to serve as a Union Steward.

At the request of such new Union Stewards, Local 330 conducted a Steward Training Seminar on Saturday, September 11, 2010 in order to provide our Stewards with the necessary training and skills needed to effectively represent our membership.

Topics such as Roles and Responsibilities of a Steward, Presenting Grievances, Rights of Union Stewards, Workers Compensation Rights, Contract Negotiations and Campaigns were all thoroughly discussed.

I shall continue to provide training to both seasoned and new Union Stewards so that Local 330 may continue to provide outstanding representation to our membership, at all levels of the Union.

In closing, please review some photos of the seminar.



2010 Steward Seminar Pic 1

2010 Steward Seminar Pic 2

2010 Steward Seminar Pic 3

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2010 Steward Seminar Pic 15

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