Private Sector Organizing

Union Authorization Card – English

authorize Teamsters Local Union No. 330 an affiliate of the International Brotherhood
of Teamsters to represent me in negotiations for better wages, hours and working conditions.

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To obtain a Union Authorization for Representation Card, just call Local 330 and we will gladly hand deliver or mail the card(s) to you. Again, this process is strictly confidential! Call today to receive your Authorization for Representation Card(s)!

Return the filled-out Authorization for Representation Card(s) to Local 330. Once we receive the sufficient amount of cards, they will be submitted to the National Labor Relations Board and a Union Election will be expeditiously forthcoming.

Union Authorization Card – Spanish

Autorización de Representación Bajo el Mandato de Relaciones Laborales Nacionales
autorizo a la Unión Local de Teamsters Número 330, afiliada a la Hermandad Internacional de Teamsters a representarme en negociaciones laborales como: mejoramientos en condiciones de trabajo, salarios y horas de trabajo.

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